Alex Shane

Alex Shane

Alex Spilling

Real Name: Alex Spilling

Aliases: The Showstealer

DOB: 15/11/1979

Born: London, England

Lived: Please tell us

Spouse: Please tell us

Debut: 1995

Stats: Height 6'8" Weight 290lbs

Trainer: Andre Baker

Signature Moves: The Big Boot, The Neckbreaker, Shanesation Kick, Two Handed Choke Bomb, The Ace Crusher, Check Up From The Neck Up

Finishing Move: The One Night Stand

Feuds: The Family, Ulf Herman, Jack Xavier, Doug Williams, Jonny Storm

Title History:

FWA Heavyweight title 2000, 2004

FWA Tag Team titles 2002-2003

TWA Heavyweight title

Career History:

Shane wrestled from the year 1995 and took part in the FWA, WZW, BCW-UK, IWP, UCW and IWW. He had notable fights with Drew McDonald and Jonny Storm.

His career was put on hold in 2002 when he suffered a serious neck injury when fighting against Karl Krammer but he returned in a tag team match against the UK Pitbulls winning the FWA Tag Team titles.

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