Axl Rotten

Axl Rotten

Brian Knighton

Real Name: Brian Knighton

Aliases: Axl Rotten

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Born: Newcastle, England

Lived: Baltimore, Maryland, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

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Debut: 1987

Stats: Height 6’2” Weight 302lbs

Trainer: Jim Leon

Signature Moves: Weapon Attack, Pedigree, Short Arm Lariat, Severe Skull Trauma, T-Bone Suplex, Sparring Punch

Finishing Move: Severe Skull Trauma

Feuds: Ian Rotten, The Dudley Boyz, The Pitbulls, The Ebony Experience

Title History:

SCW (Georgia) Heavyweight & Tag Team titles

MEWF (Maryland) Heavyweight & Tag Team titles

IWA Mid-South Heavyweight & Tag Team titles

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Career History:

Knighton and his brother Ian Rotten were members of the Bad Breed as part of the Global Wrestling Federation.

In 1991, Knighton took part in World Championship Wrestling and engaged in a feud with P.N. News.

He later became known as clumsy as he was tripped by Joey Maggs.

Rotten blamed this for ending his run in the WCW.

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